
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

SUNDAY EDITION 20-25: (24) "Charles Krauthammer" WEEK-IN-REVIEW Tuesday May 22, 2012 Sivan 1, 5772

Charles Krauthammer
Charles Krauthammer
Charles Krauthammer is a nationally syndicated columnist.
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There are two ways to defend gay marriage. Argument A is empathy...
In the middle of the night of May 7-8, 2012, Prime Minister Netanyahu shocked his country by bringing the main opposition party, Kadima, into a national unity government.
Poor Solicitor General Donald Verrilli. Once again he's been pilloried for fumbling a historic Supreme Court case.
In spite of his own urgings that the U.S. not sit idly by and intervene in the Syrian civil conflict, President Obama has done precisely the opposite: Stood idly by.
As the space shuttle Discovery flew three times around Washington, thousands on the ground gazed upward with marvel and pride. Yet what they were witnessing, for all its elegance, was a funeral march.
If government gives health insurance to 33 million uninsured, that costs. Costs a lot. There's no free lunch.
"Unprecedented"? Judicial review has been the centerpiece of the American constitutional system since Marbury v. Madison in 1803.
Obama's problem is not that missile defense is too complicated but that if people knew Obama's intentions of "flexibly" caving on missile defenses, they might think twice about giving him a second term.
Since the 2010 midterm elections, ObamaCare has slipped quietly underground. Now, it's back.
Yes, of course, presidents have no direct control over gas prices. But the American people know something about this president and his disdain for oil.

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